silhouette of woman standing on rock near body of water during night time

Honing Our Power with Asteria

Asteria, like many Goddesses, is one we can choose to hone our power with. Her power amongst twinkling lights against the backdrop of a sea of darkness is our clue to the vastness of wisdom we can find in our relationship with her. Her authority is expansive, however, it is not relegated to astronomical or interstellar relationships, connections, and energy. Under the cover of darkness, we find little sparks she has left for each of us to find if we are ready to encourage our own far shooter.

Photo by Rydah via Pixabay

All the Dark Places

The stories of fear of the dark and the unfathomable creature that awaits us all within it are common. From our myths, caricatures, and fables we learn early to fear spaces that are unknown. It is deeply ingrained as unconscious reflexes in our body as a survival mechanism. 

How many times in any given day are we unconsciously evaluating risk, like versus don’t like situations, and closing doors that were opened for a reason? 

It is a trick question. The purpose is to create awareness surrounding the places and spaces that are unknown to us that we may otherwise continue to ignore. Subsequently, this allows us to create an environment of exploration to grow in connection with Asteria.

Photo via Pixabay

Among The Stars

I often picture Asteria as the force behind shooting stars, she sends them like arrows across the sky to grab our attention. Her gorgeous reminder that we also have the ability to move from one place to another, whether it is physically, emotionally, or consciously. The unseen, unknown movement and places to land between here and there leave many of us choosing comfortable discomfort over the possibility of seeing where her guidance takes us. We refuse to acknowledge there might be a starlit path she can reveal if we just connect and pay attention.

Photo by 729714 via Pixabay

Upon the Land

The landscape of society and structures of power often hide in plain sight, chalked up to conspiracy theories and dark glasses we refuse to remove from our own faces. Our inability to remove them is anxiety ridden. What will we see that we cannot unsee if we know our truth, based on perceptions and belief systems, is shaken to the core? 

What will happen during the night? 

What will happen when the moon is dark? 

What will happen when Earth sends her energy to the roots during the dark season of Winter? 

What will change? 

Asteria allows us to connect deeper with the wisdom that comes with a larger view. When can slow down and view wholeness with a wider lens, we see the wisdom of yanking off the glasses that keep our view too small. Much like Tempestas, when our view changes so does our fear and anxiety.

Photo via Pixabay

Below the Surface

The sea and the sky are our greatest unknowns, containing mysteries that we hold in a spectrum of curiosity and apprehension. The expansiveness of both seem to follow the Hermetic Principle of Correspondence (as above, so below). If we look at the archetypal force or energy, we can look upon the air of thoughts and the waters of feeling that we all contain. 

This adds a new layer, right? 

In The Sacred Essence connecting back to our spark, our own understanding of the spectrum that exists within and without, is one of the most amazing higher vantage points that allow us to utilize our power and our magic to impact change. Rippling outward and impacting change on a large scale doesn’t just happen when we understand the larger view Asteria can allow us to hone. 

It doesn’t start outwardly. 

It starts below the surface, it starts within. Asteria can be the Goddess that expands our ability to excavate the depths through prophecy, dreaming, and shifting of consciousness to go further into our own mysteries and our unique magic.

Becoming with the Far Shooter

This month and last month Dark Goddess Collective has been working with Asteria, creating and fostering an environment of connection. The Anthology is coming that is going to have some extras (keep your eyes peeled), however, here are the things that will allow you to be fully prepared to hone your power with her through ritual, magic, and encourage shifts in consciousness:

Black Sacred Candle for Asteria

Altar to Asteria

Prophetess Blend

A Candle & A Key,


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